Müügitingimused | HingamisLaulupidu

PARTICIPANT CONTRACT RELEASE, WAIVER, INDEMNITY OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT AND TERMS OF SERVICE This Participant Contract and Release, Waiver and Indemnity of Liability Agreement (hereinafter “Agreement”) is entered into by me (“Participant”) and the SoulBreath Festival (“Organizer”). In consideration of being permitted to participate in the activities. The Parties hereby agree as follows:


Terms of service
  • This Agreement is made and entered into under the laws of Estonia Republic and shall be interpreted, governed, and enforced under and pursuant to these laws.
  • Participant agrees that should an action be brought against the Organizer and/or any Breathwork Facilitator or Apprentice and/or any Breathwork Facilitator and/or Apprentice (collectively “Breathwork Facilitators and/or Apprentices”) working at the Session for any reason whether to enforce the terms of this agreement or on some other basis, that all disputes between Participant and Organizer will be litigated in Estonia and Participant waives any rights he/she may have in litigating in any other jurisdiction.
  • Participant certifies that he/she is not pregnant and does not have epilepsy, a detached retina, glaucoma, uncontrolled high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including but not limited to prior heart attack or heart arrhythmia; prior diagnosis by a Medical Professional of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia; strokes, TIAs, seizures or other brain/neurological condition or disease; family history of aneurysms; use of prescription blood thinners such as Coumadin; hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis within the last fifteen years; osteoporosis that is serious enough whereby intense movement could cause physical injury; recent physical injuries that are not fully healed and could be re-injured through intense movement; or any other medical or physical conditions which would impair or affect his/her ability to engage in any activities that involve physical and/or emotional release or which would cause any risk of harm to Participant, other participants and/or any participating Breathwork Facilitators and/or Apprentices or otherwise endanger Participant’s health while participating in a Breathwork session organized by The International Center for Breathwork Ltd. If you have been diagnosed with PTSD and are currently in therapy, it is required that you get the approval of your therapist before participating. Also, if you have asthma, please make sure to have your inhaler next to you when you breathe in case you need it. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, consult your physician or therapist as well as a Facilitator before attending. Participant also certifies that if he/she has asthma that he/she has brought and will have access to his/her inhaler during the session.
  • Participant is aware that certain activities he/she may engage in during the SoulBreath Festival Sessions (the “Sessions”) are physically, emotionally and/or mentally stressful. Among other processes, it will include breathing that is faster and deeper than normal over a prolonged period which can cause dizziness, palpitations, tingling/numbness of the extremities, carpopedal spasms (involuntary contractions of the muscles of the hands and feet), ringing/roaring in the ears, clouded/distorted vision, perceptual distortions, and feelings of lightness, astonishment and/or euphoria. Physical Activities can include violent twisting and turning while prostate or sitting and other exertions not normally engaged in by Participant. Loud music may also be used with the described activities.
  • Participant certifies that he/she is at least 18 years of age.
  • Participant understands that a Breathwork Workshop is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be used as a substitute for psychotherapy.
Tellimuse vormistamine
  • Participant agrees to comply with the stated and customary guidance and norms of participation in ANY SESSION. www.teadlikhingamine.ee/poodIf, however, Participant observes any unusual hazard during his/her participation including but not limited to any physical symptoms that Participant feels could be a danger to his/her physical well-being, participant will immediately remove himself/herself from participation in the session and bring such to the attention of the Organizer or a Facilitator
  • Veendu, et ostukorvis on korrektne toode ja toote kogus. Tellimuse vormistamiseks vajuta ostukorvis lingile „Mine maksma.”
  • Sind suunatakse edasi lehele „Arvelduse andmed,“ kus saad sisestada oma andmed, et Sulle genereeritaks korrektne arve (saadetakse e-postile). Kohustuslikud andmed on eesnimi, telefoninumber ja e-posti aadress. Teiste väljade täitmine ei ole kohustuslik, kuid tuleb arvestada sellega, et kui jätad väljad tühjaks, ei saa me neid andmeid ka Sinu arvel kuvada.
  • Seejärel kuvatakse ekraanile arve, mille saad tasuda mugavalt Maksekeskuse pangalinkide või teiste makselahenduste abil pankades euromaksena.
  • Andmed euromakse sooritamiseks koos kõigi kehtivate riiklike maksudega ja lisanduvate tasudega leiad pärast tellimuse kinnitamist Sulle e-postile saadetavalt arvelt.
Tellimuste eest tasumine

Tellimuste eest saab tasuda ainult eurodes.

Tellimuste eest saab tasuda:

  • Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Coop, Luminor, Pocopay ja Liisi pangalingi vahendusel Maksekeskuse teenust kasutades

Müügiarve saadetakse Sulle e-postiga pärast arve täies ulatuses tasumist. Kui toote eest tasumisel on lubatud ettemaks ehk kahes osas maksmine, siis müügiarve saadetakse pärast ettemaksu tasumist.

Juhul, kui soovid makse sooritada arve alusel pangaülekande teel, palun võta meiega ühendust e-posti teel info@teadlikhingamine.ee.

Juhul, kui soovid maksta osaliselt, siis toodet saab osta ka ettemaksu alusel, tasudes järgmise makse ettenähtud ajal sularahas või pangaülekandega. Info teise makse sooritamise kohta saadetakse e-postiga pärast ettemaksu tasumist.

Ettemaksu ei tagastata, kui koolitusele jäetakse tulemata, vaid see läheb koolituse korraldamisega seotud kulude katteks. Kui korraldajast tulenevalt jääb koolitus ära, siis makstakse ettemaksjatele summa täies ulatuses tagasi.

Hingamislaulupidu MTÜ on isikuandmete vastutav töötleja. Hingamislaulupidu MTÜ edastab maksete teostamiseks vajalikud isikuandmed volitatud töötleja Maksekeskus AS-le.

Toote pakkumine

Toote pakkumiseks loetakse e-poest ostetud koolitusele ligipääsu andmist või teenuse pakkumist.

Pretensioonid tuleb esitada meiliaadressile info@teadlikhingamine.ee. Vaidlused lahendatakse eelkõige läbirääkimiste teel Eesti Vabariigi seaduste alusel. Kokkuleppe mittesaavutamisel on mõlemal osapoolel õigus pöörduda Harju Maakohtusse.

Ostust taganemine

Tarbijal on õigus teenuse ostust taganeda 7 päeva jooksul peale teenuse tellimust (Võlaõigusseaduse 53/4 lõige 1).

Kui Tarbija 7 päeva jooksul taganeb ja meie poolt pole teenuse osutamist alustatud, saab Tarbija saata tagastamisteate info@teadlikhingamine.ee. Vastavalt eelnevale punktile tagastatakse 7 päeva jooksul Tarbijale raha tema poolt esitatud pangakontole.

Taganemisõigust ei kohaldata, kui ettevõtjapoolsed lepingust tulenevad kohustused on täidetud ning teenuse osutamine või muu soorituse tegemine on alanud Tarbija sõnaselgel eelneval nõusolekul ja kinnitusel või broneerimistasu maksmisel. Sellisel juhul kaotab Tarbija ettevõtjapoolsel lepingu täitmisel oma taganemisõiguse.